Moorfields Refractive one-day course

The Moorfields one-day Refractive course aims to cover refractive surgery as a whole and not just laser vision correction to surgeons from around the world and it is offered live to maximum 60 attendees and online to more. It has been developed with the purpose of teaching how to approach a vision correction patient and learning all options available from laser to non-laser refractive surgery and therefore enable surgeons to treat patients with the best possible customised approach. It also aims to help UK based young surgeons to understand refractive surgery and to familiarise with its options therefore preparing them for the CertLRS exam and FEBOS-CR exam.

Lectures from world leading experts and interactive discussion will enable the learning for all the attendees. All lectures will be based on the most updated medical evidence and safe practice. The course aims to cover the different approaches to patients management of refractive errors detailing the different laser and not laser techniques including presbyopia surgery. The course will cover several hot topics such as ocular surface evaluation and management before and after vision correction surgery, modern corneal tomography with the CSO MS39 and its understanding and interpretation, presbyopia surgical options, laser vision correction different modalities and their outcomes (femto-LASIK, surface treatments and lenticule extraction), early cataract surgery (refractive lens exchange) and the options in terms of the most advanced IOL implant as well as phakic IOL surgery for the higher refractive errors. It aims to be the most comprehensive course in refractive surgery in a one single day format.

Learning outcomes
  • Refractive surgery learning as a whole.
  • Learning the different approaches in refractive surgery from laser vision correction modalities (lenticle femtosecond cornea surgery, femto-lasik and surface ablation), to non-laser surgery (lens surgery and implantable contact lenses).
  • One day full immersion in the real world of refractive surgery as a whole.

Please click here to view the course programme.


Your course tutors are:

  • Mr Vincenzo Maurino (course Chair)
  • Mr David Gartry
  • Mr Mukhtar Bizrah
  • Mr Dan Reinstein
  • Mr Bruce Allan
  • Mr Sajjad Ahmad
  • Miss Su-yin Koay
  • Mr Marcello Leucci
  • Mr Daniel Gore
  • Mr Tim Archer
  • Mr Alfonso Vasquez Perez
  • Mr Allon Barsam
  • Mr Sheraz Daya
Who is this course for?

This course day is suitable for refractive young and senior ophthalmic surgeons, both internal or external staff, optometrists, and refractive allied health professionals (nurses/technicians)


A certificate of attendance and CPD points will be awarded at the end of the course. This course carries 3 interactive GOC CPD points.


This course is kindly supported by:

No places available at the moment


Course fees


Taught by


Vincenzo Maurino

Vincenzo Maurino is an Italian-British ophthalmologist who is a Senior Consultant Ophthalmologist and Director of the Cataract Services at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London. He is also Visiting Professor for Corneal and Refractive surgery at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. His special areas of specialist interests are cataract surgery and corneal surgery as well as refractive surgery. He graduated with magna cum laude in Italy and after a four-year ophthalmology residency, he won a scholarship to move to London to further his surgical ophthalmic training at the world-renowned Moorfields Eye Hospital. At Moorfields Eye Hospital he completed fellowships in paediatric ophthalmology, glaucoma, cataract, refractive surgery, and corneal transplant surgery. Vincenzo Maurino research interests are in the fields of cataract and corneal refractive surgery, and he has published in several peer reviewed international journals. He has been invited to lectures nationally and internationally. He served on the scientific committee of the Italian Society of Ophthalmology (SOI) for longer than a decade and on the board of the SICCSO (The International Society of Corneal, Stem Cells and Ocular Surface). He was awarded the SOI Medal Lecture in 2016 and invited to give the Cataract Update Lecture at the RANZO Congress in 2023 to mention few. He received the title of Officer of the Order of “The Star of Italy” by Mr Sergio Mattarella, the President of Italy, in 2015. He is passionate about surgical training and has trained hundreds of eye surgeons from all over the world in cataract and corneal surgery and he regularly holds training surgical courses nationally and abroad. Outside work, he enjoys sport and especially running, tennis and skying. Professional activities include NHS practice specialising in cataract, refractive and corneal surgery. Private practice specialising in refractive surgery (laser vision correction, ICL implantation, lens surgery), cataract surgery and corneal graft surgery.

David Gartry

David Gartry was appointed consultant to the Corneal, Cataract and Refractive Services, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London in 1995 and professor to The School of Health Sciences, City, University of London (hon), in 2006. He was Director of the Refractive Service at Moorfields from 2007 to 2013. Having attained a first class honours degree in Optometry in 1978, he then read Medicine at University College London, graduating in 1984. His early ophthalmology training and research was at St Thomas' Hospital, London, where, in November 1989, working with Professor John Marshall and Dr Malcolm Kerr Muir, he became the first surgeon in the UK to perform excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). He was awarded the higher degree of Doctor of Medicine from London University in 1995 for his doctoral thesis entitled "The development of excimer laser corneal surgery", has authored numerous scientific papers and book chapters and co-edited three textbooks. He is past president of The British Society for Refractive Surgery (BSRS), a member of The Royal Institution of Great Britain, an examiner and advisor to The Royal College of Ophthalmologists and an Honor Award recipient of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. In 2010 he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Science from his alma mater, Glasgow Caledonian University, "In recognition of an outstanding contribution to the science of Ophthalmology", and a Lifetime Fellowship of the College of Optometrists in 2013. To date, he has performed over 15,000 cataract and refractive lens procedures (latterly using the femtosecond laser - FLACS) and over 30,000 laser refractive procedures. He is the founder and owner of The Wimpole Eye Clinic, London W1 and in 2007 he was entered into the 159th edition of "Who's Who".


Bruce Allan

Professor Bruce Allan qualified in medicine from Cambridge in 1985, and was appointed as a Consultant Surgeon at Moorfields in 1998 after advanced specialist training in the UK, South Africa, and Australia. He was Training Director for the Corneal Service at Moorfields for over 10 years, and Service Director for Refractive Surgery from 2012 to 2019. He is currently chairing the Royal College of Ophthalmologists Refractive Surgery Standards Working Group and the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS) Digital Health Special Interest Group. He is an ESCRS Council and EU Cornea board member. He and his wife, Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Maria Teresa Casasus Borrell, live in North London with regular visits from their 3 daughters, Saskia, Sofia and Silvia. Outside work, He is a keen football fan and sailor. Professional activities include: • NHS practice specialising in cataract and corneal surgery • Private practice specialising in refractive surgery (laser vision correction, ICL implantation, RLE, restoring near vision) • Regular presentations at international research meetings, press, radio and television comment on developments in corneal transplantation, cataract and refractive surgery • Peer review for international medical journals and research grant funding bodies • Specialist advice for NICE and MHRA Current research interests include: • Applications of Deep Learning to anterior segment eye disease • Enhancing treatment accuracy in laser vision correction • Laser assisted corneal transplantation • Early intervention and visual rehabilitation in keratoconus.

Mukhtar Bizrah

Mukhtar Bizrah is a consultant cornea, refractive and cataract surgeon at the Western Eye Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. He is also the unit training lead for ophthalmology. He is one of the few ophthalmic surgeons in the world who is board-certified in the UK, Canada and Europe: • Fellow of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists (FRCOphth, UK) • Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (FRCSC, Canada) • Fellow of the European Board of Ophthalmology (FEBO, Europe) • Fellow of the World College of Refractive Surgery (FWCRS) • Certificate in Laser & Refractive surgery (CertLRS), Royal College of Ophthalmologists, UK Mr Bizrah completed advanced refractive and cornea surgery fellowships at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust (London, UK) and at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, BC, Canada). Mukhtar Bizrah completed his undergraduate medical degree at the University of London, Mr Bizrah then completed his core ophthalmology training at the London deanery. This included 2 years at the Western Eye Hospital and 2 years at Moorfields eye hospital. Mr Bizrah is an expert in advanced refractive, cataract and corneal surgery. His clinical interests include cataract and laser refractive surgeries (e.g. LASIK, LASEK), ICL surgery, cornea transplants (partial and full thickness), pterygium surgery, corneal collagen crosslinking with laser surface remodelling and advanced cornea diseases. Mukhtar has presented his research at numerous international conferences and peer-reviewed research articles. By 2020, he had won 26 awards and prizes on International, national and regional levels. Mukhtar Bizrah is the founder & co-director of world-renowned London Eye Course, the largest ophthalmology revision course in Europe & North America. He is also the founder of the London LRS Course, delivering laser and refractive surgery teaching by world renowned experts.


Dan Reinstein

Professor Dan Z. Reinstein is the Founder and Medical Director of the London Vision Clinic, part of the EuroEyes Group. Dr. Reinstein is a board-certified ophthalmologist in the United States and Canada and holds professorships in the UK, New York and Paris. Since the 1990’s he has dedicated himself solely to the specialty of Refractive Surgery. Over the course of his career, Dr. Reinstein developed and contributed the first measurements of the epithelium with mapping, developed and published extensively in the new diagnostic field of corneal layered 3D pachymetric imaging and biometry with VHF digital ultrasound, later adding OCT methodology. He has delivered over 1,000 lectures at professional meetings on 5 continents and published over 210 scientific papers in peer-reviewed medical journals. He is a leader in the field of Therapeutic Refractive Surgery, and founded this section for the Journal of Refractive Surgery where he continues as Section Editor. He has authored a definitive textbook on SMILE, contributed to 44 book chapters and published proceedings, and is extensively published in the ophthalmic press. His work and patents related to VHF digital ultrasound administered by the Center for Technology Licensing at Cornell University (Ithaca, NY) led to the commercialisation of VHF digital ultrasound robotic scanning with the Insight 100 from ArcScan Inc., which together with his sizing formula is now the most accurate method of sizing the ICL. He developed PRESBYOND Laser Blended Vision, now part of the Carl Zeiss Meditec platform. He has been the Lead Refractive Surgery consultant for Carl Zeiss Meditec since 2001, has a proprietary interest in the Insight 100 technology, and consults for CSO Italia (MS39 OCT). He was awarded the Waring Medal in 2006, the Kritzinger Award in 2013, the ISRS President’s Award and the Senior Achievement Award from the American Academy of Ophthalmology in 2020, and a Lifetime Achievement Award from UKISCRS in 2023. He has continued to play the saxophone and has held a monthly residency gig at 606 Club in Chelsea for over 20 years.

Tim Archer

Dr Timothy Archer is the research manager of London Vision Clinic, working together with Prof Dan Reinstein since 2003. Dr Archer obtained his undergraduate degree in Mathematics from the University of Oxford, and Masters in Computer Science from the University of Cambridge. He was awarded a PhD in Biomedical Science from Ulster University on the extension of the limits of corneal laser refractive surgery. As a mathematician and computer programmer by training, he has led the design and customisation of many proprietary IT business control systems as well as research and analysis tools for the organisation. He manages the clinical quality control analytics which contribute to the outstanding outcome levels that are achieved by the London Vision Clinic. The research team at London Vision Clinic have produced 216 publications in the peer-reviewed literature to date, published a textbook on small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE), and run high level training courses in refractive surgery.


Allon Barsam

Allon Barsam MA (Hons) Cantab MB BS FRCOphth FWCRS Examiner Cert LRS is a director and founding partner of OCL Vision. He specialises in refractive surgery, cataract surgery with advanced technology lenses and corneal surgery. He has published over 45 peer-reviewed scientific papers, 16 book chapters and he is the co-author of a comprehensive textbook of Ophthalmology, which is now in its third edition. Allon is an elected council member for both the UKISCRS and BSRS. He is a key opinion leader for the Ophthalmic Industry and is regularly invited to chair events and lecture both nationally and internationally. Allon was the first surgeon in the UK and one of the first in the world to carry out Smartsight lenticular extraction laser vision correction.

Marcello Leucci

Marcello is the lead optometrist of the Keratoconus service at Moorfields Eye Hospital. He is responsible for development of protocols on keratoconus monitoring and progression criteria and is actively involved in research and development of patient pathways, new tomography devices, and the effectiveness of new and existing treatments for the condition. He is also Clinical Director for Digital Safety at Moorfields, working with the Department of Digital Medicine on projects bringing health technology systems and devices to the patient pathway.


Su-yin Kaoy

Su-yin is a Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon at Moorfields Eye Hospital. She specialises in cornea and external disease, refractive surgery and emergency ophthalmology. She also serves as the lead for corneal infections at Moorfields Eye Hospital, and is an Honorary Clinical Lecturer at the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology.

Dan Gore

Daniel Gore is a consultant corneal surgeon, director of refractive surgery and clinical lead for early keratoconus at Moorfields Eye Hospital.


Sajjad Ahmad

Sajjad Ahmad is a Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon and the Lead for Experimental Medicine at Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK. His expertise is in corneal and external eye diseases, particularly inflammatory ocular surface disorders and ocular surface reconstruction. He holds an honorary Associate Clinical Professor position at the Institute of Ophthalmology, University College London, where he runs a laboratory group focusing on corneal stem cell biology and the development of cellular therapies for the eye. Dr Ahmad’s research also investigates translational medicine, analysing drugs, cell therapies and surgical devices for the eye through the regulatory pathway to first-in-human or first-in-eye clinical trials. He is currently running two Phase 1 clinical trials, including a Medical Research Council-funded trial. He is an Ophthalmic Advisor to the European Medicines Agency and the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). He also works with the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) to evaluate ophthalmic therapies for National Health Service (NHS) application.

Alfonso Vasquez-Perez

Alfonso Vasquez-Perez is a consultant at Moorfields Eye Hospital and is the lead for the Osteo-Odonto-keratoprosthesis (OOKP) Service; a highly specialised treatment for corneal blindness provided only in few centres around the world. His areas of expertise includes corneal surgery, keratoprosthesis (KPro), cataracts and refractive surgery. He took his initial training in Barcelona and later he completed two advanced sub-specialist training fellowships in Cornea and Refractive Surgery in the UK, first in Brighton and then at Moorfields Eye Hospital. He was awarded the Certificate in Laser Refractive Surgery (CertLRS) and he is one of the few UK surgeons who also obtained the Certification in Cataract and Refractive Surgery from The European Board of Ophthalmology (FEBOS-CR). As a consultant surgeon at Moorfields has trained many surgical fellows from the UK and all over the world and frequently present his research work in national and international conferences. His publications include 3 book chapter and over 40 articles in ophthalmic journals.


Sheraz Daya

Sheraz Daya is the Medical Director of Centre for Sight. Recruited from New York, USA in 1993, Mr Daya was Director and Consultant at the Corneoplastic Unit and Eye Bank, Queen Victoria Hospital. Mr Daya transformed the Corneoplastic Unit and Eye Bank, acquiring an international reputation for excellence in Corneal surgery and resigned from the NHS in 2011. Mr. Daya is a key opinion leader for the ophthalmic industry and is highly regarded nationally and internationally. He serves on numerous boards and committees and is also the founding Chief Medical Editor of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Today. He is regularly invited to speak at international conventions and meetings and is known as for many innovations in ophthalmology. Mr. Daya was recognised for his leadership by winning the award “Leadership in Improvement” of the Best of Health Awards 2009, South East England. He has also been awarded the highly prized Senior Achievement Award by the American Academy of Ophthalmology (2009) for his contribution to Ophthalmology and the American Academy.