Laser course for ophthalmic healthcare professionals

Moorfields Eye Hospital and UCL Institute of Ophthalmology are delighted to present the Laser course for ophthalmic healthcare professionals, targeted at clinicians involved in glaucoma and cataract care. The course will involve training in three laser procedures, Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT), YAG peripheral iridotomy (PI) and YAG capsulotomy. This course is aimed at ophthalmologists, optometrists, ophthalmic nurses, orthoptists or other ophthalmic healthcare professionals.

Delivery will include a blended learning method and will include online didactic lectures and workshops. Lectures will cover basic laser principles, principles of consent, indications for each type of laser, step by step application of each type of laser, post-laser management, complications and online assessments. It is expected that the lectures will be completed, and assessments passed prior to the face-to-face day. Workshops will be delivered using specialist laser model eyes where delegates will have the opportunity to deliver each laser procedure. Formative assessments which include feedback will be given to you during the workshops and by the end of the session, it is expected that you will be capable of carrying out the procedure in a training setting. At the end of the course, you will obtain a certificate of participation and a competency sign off pack.

It is expected that you will need in-vivo training to gain competence in all procedures should you wish to practice, and this placement should be arranged and undertaken independently by the delegate. The competency pack includes example work-based assessment templates which can be used to obtain local sign offs as per your organisation’s local protocols during your placement. However, your organisation may want to alter their sign off procedure and you may need to meet local consent requirements and sign off in addition. Moorfields OR UCL will not be responsible for this nor for certification of competence or accreditation.

Entry requirements for optometrists, ophthalmic nurses, orthoptists or other ophthalmic healthcare professionals. (Not required for ophthalmologist).

Delegates must have the following qualifications to be able to register and attend the course.

  • Possess a minimum of a BSc in Optometry, Orthoptics or Nursing or equivalent.


  • College of Optometrists Glaucoma Higher Certificate OR an equivalent qualification plus experience and certified gonio competency (independently verified by clinical supervisor, who may be contacted (see gonioscopy competency certification).


  • Must be or must be working toward becoming an independent prescriber or be able to prescribe as part of a PGD in their Trust (NB clinicians are not advised to perform laser procedures unless they are competent prescribers).

Ideally, applicants should have experience and be working in a glaucoma clinical setting.

Evidence of these qualifications must be sent as part of the registration application.

Nurses would need to be gonioscopy competent (or have a Higher Certificate in Glaucoma) and need Independent Prescribing or a PGD in place with the hospital.

Next course date

This next course will be starting in mid-March with the online components and the practical skills day will be on Wednesday 14 May 2025. Please email to book your space. The course will cost £950. 

Start Date
Duration Online component self-paced, Face to face clinical training - one day

Course fees



Taught by


Mr Scott Hau

Scott Hau is a consultant optometrist and research optometrist at Moorfields Eye Hospital. He works in numerous external role ophthalmology clinics including A&E, external disease, glaucoma, laser, adnexal/minor ops and medical Retina/uveitis. He has been instrumental in developing various optometry extended-role clinics at Moorfields Eye Hospital and is also the optometry lead for Laser and Independent Prescribing.

Ali Abbas

Ali Abbas is a consultant ophthalmologist and glaucoma specialist at Moorfields Eye Hospital. He underwent his medical training in the East Midlands and later pursued a fellowship in London, where he eventually transitioned into his consultant role in 2017. With an interest for clinical audit and service enhancement, Ali has helped with work on implementing remote consenting for glaucoma lasers, as well as training optometrists to become independent prescribers and laser practitioners. Through his contribution to the Shared Decision Making pathway, he has also provided teaching and training to empowered allied health professionals with enhanced skills to address the evolving needs of the service. In addition to his clinical responsibilities, Ali is committed to advocating for both staff and patients. In 2018, he took up the role of a Freedom to Speak up Guardian for the trust, demonstrating his dedication to fostering an environment where voices are heard and concerns are addressed.