Lacrimal assessment for nursing & allied professionals study day

This course will educate nurses and allied health professionals on lacrimal examination and investigation. A hands on teaching approach ensures that delegates are able to demonstrate safe and effective lacrimal technique, whilst the patient's perspective as a service user remains the main focus. You will learn through a combination of lectures and practical instruction.


Developed by Moorfields Adnexal Nurse Consultant Nicola Dunlop, this course aims to explore:

  • The anatomy and physiology of the lacrimal system, tear secretion and drainage.
  • Causes for watering of the eye.
  • Examination and investigations performed in the lacrimal clinic.
  • Diagnostic and management decisions made.
  • Nurse-led lacrimal clinic audit - patient needs, service configuration and management.
  • How to establish a nurse-led lacrimal clinic.
  • Telemedicine as a new innovative ways of working within the Adnexal Service.

The Practical element of the day will allow participants to:

  • Carry out slit lamp examination of the eyelids, ocular surface and tear film and lacrimal system.
  • Learn and perform safe technique in nasal lacrimal syringing.
  • Understand lacrimal findings and make management decisions.
  • Learn about consenting and listing patient for surgery, the do’s and don’ts.
Who is this study day for?

This course is intended for the oculoplastic multidisciplinary team. It is also aimed at practitioners who wish to safely examine the eyelids, ocular surface and lacrimal system.

CPD Certification

CPD points and a certificate of attendance will be awarded at the end of the course.

Next course date

The next date for this course is 27th September 2024.

Book Now

Date Location Time Seats Price
Friday 27 September 2024 In person, London N1 9 £300.00

Course fees


Taught by


Nicola Dunlop

Nicola Dunlop qualified as a registered general nurse in 1995 and has worked in Ophthalmology since qualifying. She commenced her Ophthalmic nursing studies at Moorfields Eye Hospital in 1998. Over the last 15 years her role has evolved. On completion of the Ophthalmic nursing studies she worked in the Operating Theatre. Nicola proceeded to successfully complete the Ophthalmic Theatre Course, Mentorship and Counselling Courses. Nicola was promoted to Sister then subsequently to the post of an Ophthalmic Nurse Specialist in the Oculo-plastic/Adnexal Department. She consolidated her academic achievements by successfully undertaking Non-medical Prescribing, Post graduate Diploma in Health Management and a Masters in Health Management. Drawing on her extensive ophthalmic nursing experience, Nicola pioneered the first Nurse-led Botox Clinic, Minor Surgery List, Virtual Histology Reporting Service and Post-Operative Clinic and developed the adnexal patient pathway currently in use in the Oculo-plastic/Adnexal Service. She has developed a patient education DVD on Coping with Loss of an Eye and Minor operative guideline for Nurses. She has been awarded from the British Thyroid Foundation the Evenly Ashley Award 2013 for developing the DVD Thyroid Eye Disease and its Management & Audit. The defining drive for Nicola is to improve continually, the quality of compassionate patient care in its many facets.